by Lorenzo Palomo | Oct 11, 2017 |
Mi jardín solitario My secluded garden Song cycle for voice and guitar & voice and piano On poems by Celedonio Romero La Encarnilla ¡Soledad! La rueda verde (The Green Wheel) La alondra y el ruiseñor (The Lark and the Nightingale) Canción burlesca (Burlesque...
by Lorenzo Palomo | Oct 10, 2017 |
Pinceladas de primavera Sketches of Spring Suite for two guitars commissioned by the mediterranean guitar festival of Cervo, Italy Florecen los campos (Fields in Bloom) Golondrinas sobre el Guadalquivir (Swallows over the Guadalquivir) Rumba flamenca al claro de luna...
by Lorenzo Palomo | Oct 9, 2017 |
Perlas y lágrimas Pearls and tears For guitar Publisher Editorial de Música Boileau Provença, 287 08037 Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34-93-215 53 34 Tel: +34-93-487 74 56 Fax: +34-93 487 20 80 Buy Score DISTRIBUTOR...
by Lorenzo Palomo | Oct 8, 2017 |
Fulgores For violin, guitar and orchestra COMMISSIONED BY MAESTRO RAFAEL FRÜHBECK DE BURGOS FULGORES by Castilla-León Symphony Orchestra | Violin: Ana María Valderrama | Guitar: Rafael Aguirre | Conductor: Jesús López Cobos...
by Lorenzo Palomo | Oct 6, 2017 |
The Sneetches Dr. Seuss’ The Sneetches Symphonic poem for narrator and orchestra & narrator and two pianos COMMISSIONED BY DR. SIDNEY & BARBARA SOBEL Photo credit With Dr. Sidney and Barbara Sobel THE SNEETCHES – exerpt 1 by Oberlin Orchestra | Narrator: John...